Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Week 10 EOC Financial Spreadsheet

During class we learned how to do a spreadsheet of the budget for a business. Using the Microsoft Excel program that they have for making spreadsheets is pretty simple to use. Once you get the hang of the program and know how everything works making a spreadsheet is easy. Basically all that you have to do is write the categories and tabs of all the stuff you need and plug in the first set of numbers then excel does the rest by doing the math calculations for you and when you change a number somewhere it affects the entire spreadsheet. The spreadsheet that I did today was for a photography business I plan on opening up years from now. All the products and services that I have made in the spreadsheet with the prices of what I could plan on doing during a period of three to four months my business wouldn't make a profit. For most small businesses that open up don't usually make money until a couple years of being open. Learned while putting everything into the spreadsheet that there is a lot that you have to count for and make sure you don't go over what you have. This is a very useful program that makes all the calculations on how much money is being spent and how much is being made. Either you do it yourself at first or have someone you hire to do all the accounting stuff for you this program is great to have.

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